Brazilian falls from cruise ship in the Bahamas

A 35-year-old Brazilian fell from a cruise ship (the Oasis of the Seas, Royal Caribbean) during the night of Friday (06/11) in the Bahamas. He was seen by the crew coming up intentionally on the side of the ship. The man was holding in a support of the lifeboat while the vessel was moving pretty quickly during the night. However he couldn't hold out much longer and crashed into the sea. The accident occurred near 1:00 (3:00, in GMT) Friday.

Search and rescue teams from the United States Coast Guard have launched a search operation in an area of about 145 kilometers northeast of Mayaguana in the Bahamas. Royal Caribbean reported that the man fell overboard 112 kilometers east of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

The search was carried out by teams in airplanes and helicopters along the Friday and covered an area of 931 square nautical miles, said the coast guard of the United States. "We would like to extend our deepest condolences to the loved ones and to all who were affected by this tragedy," said Captain Todd Coggeshall, Chief of the coordination in the 7th Coast Guard District.

Oasis of the Seas-Royal Caribbean International. Photo:

Oasis of the Seas-Royal Caribbean International. Photo:

The coast guard of the United States suspended their search on Saturday.

The man was later identified as Bernardo Albaz. Michael Winkleman, lawyer of the family of Bernardo said that the incident "was not suicide". Winkleman said that the incident originated in biased against gay jokes and comments made by the staff of the ship, which sparked a brawl at a bar. Bernardo was involved in a huge fight and went to his cabin until nervous security guards of the Royal Caribbean arrived on the scene. After being a victim of prejudice, Bernardo fell out of his balcony over the area of lifeboats, Winkleman said in an interview held on Saturday.

In a statement issued Saturday night, Royal Caribbean pointed out that cruise staff "had no quarrel with the passenger and was unable to prevent his jump from the porch of the cabin". According to the company, the incident occurred after the Brazilian and her husband discussed.

In the video below you can see the Brazilian hung. Some passengers screaming toward the man. Bernardo also yell a few phrases in English: "because of you, this happened … Let me go! Get away from me! ". Apparently, he tries to climb back into the boat but can't hold on and falls into the sea.

Bernardo was presumed dead by the u.s. Coast Guard but his body has not been found.